New Items!

The new items are:

Candy Neckalace 700 tickets

Ping-Pong Paddle 1500 tickets (Overpriced… 🙄 )

Edit: Wave with the Ping-Pong Paddle and you will hit it back and forth.

Once you have all the new prizes, X out the prizes and go to it again. Then a rope will drop down after a while, click on it, and you can buy a lolipop for 1000 tickets!


The prizes are at the plaza, they cost tickets.

Feathered Tiara: 1200 tickets

Circus Pin: 100 tickets

Teddybear Background: 400 tickets

Cotton Candy: 600 tickets

I’ve gotten all of them. Still waiting for better (hopefully) prizes. I won’t really be wearing a tiara around anyways. 😆

They need better prizes!!

You can get tickets from playing minigames. The minigames are:

Puffle Shuffle (At Forest)

Puffle Paddle (At Snow Forts)

Feed a Puffle (At Cove)

Test your strength (At Dock)

Grab and Spin (At Dock)

Memory Card Game (At Beach)


Well Rockhopper brought an eyepatch as the free item(AGAIN???!?!?!??!!) 

In case you can’t see, these are his items for sale:

Eyepatch (Free Clothing item)

Striped Overalls 450 coins (Clothing item)

Pirate Ship 525 coins (Furniture item)

Jolly Roger Flag 200 coins (Furniture Item)

The new pin is at the ski lodge, on the orange sofa.

Pictures from Paintboy100 and Antras’ site: